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2008年11月13日 星期四

【觀點】Again, the Persecution!! 司法迫害

Open Letter on Erosion of Justice in Taiwan

Thursday, Nov 06, 2008, Taipei Times

The undersigned, scholars and writers from the US, Europe and Australia, wish to express their deep concern about the recent series of detentions in Taiwan of present and former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government officials. To date there have been at least seven such cases. 以下來自美國、歐洲及澳洲,具名於下的學者、作家們,盼望針對台灣近來一連串現任或前任民進黨籍官員遭收押的案件(截至目前,已經有至少七個這樣的例子!),傳達他們深切的關注!

It is obvious that there have been cases of corruption in Taiwan, but these have occurred in both political camps. The political neutrality of the judicial system is an essential element in a democracy. It is also essential that any accused are considered innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.自然,台灣是有貪污的狀況,但這樣的狀況,在國、民兩黨皆都存在著。而司法系統的政治中立,則是民主能否持續的基本要素。同時,在法庭證明其罪行成立前,任何被告應被無罪推定,這也是基本的法理原則!

We also believe that the procedures followed by the prosecutor’s offices are severely flawed: while one or two of the accused have been formally charged, the majority is being held incommunicado without being charged. This is a severe contravention of the writ of habeas corpus and a basic violation of due process, justice and the rule of law.我們並認為,檢察官們以下的作法模式有嚴重的缺陷:那些被告中只有一個或兩個是被正式起訴,其餘卻是在未起訴情形下就被拘押囚禁。這樣的作法已嚴重違反了司法的程序正義和人身保護令狀的法律規定。

In the meantime, the prosecutor’s offices evidently leak detrimental information to the press. This kind of “trial by press” is a violation of the basic standards of judicial procedures. It also gives the distinct impression that the Kuomintang (KMT) authorities are using the judicial system to get even with members of the former DPP government.與此同時,檢察官辦公室顯然又選擇性地將不利的資訊洩露給新聞界。這樣的運用「新聞審判」手法,是違反了司法程序上的基本準則。也因此,不得不讓人產生了「國民黨政府正運用司法系統來清算前民進黨政府成員」的印象。

In addition, the people who are being held incommunicado are of course unable to defend themselves against the misreporting and the leaks in the news media.另外,被告由於遭收押囚禁,自然便無法針對種種的誤報與「新聞審判」進行說明與自清。

We do firmly believe that any alleged wrongdoings must be dealt with in a fair and open manner in an impartial court. Justice through the rule of law is essential to Taiwan’s efforts to consolidate democracy and protect fundamental human rights.我們堅信,任何被指控的不法行為必須是在一個中立的法庭裡,以一種公正和公開的方式被處理。遵循法律規範的司法,對台灣在鞏固民主和保護基本人權的努力上,是不可或缺的基本要件。

We do not want to see Taiwan’s hard-earned democracy jeopardized in this manner. Taiwan can justifiably be proud of its transition to democracy in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It would be sad for Taiwan and detrimental to its international image if the progress which was made during the past 20 years would be erased. Taiwan needs to move forward, not backwards to the unfair and unjust procedures as practiced during the dark days of Martial Law (1947-1987).我們不願見到台灣得來不易的民主就這樣被毀壞。台灣是有資格為其在1980年代末期至1990年代初期的民主轉變感到驕傲。然過去20年在民主上的進展,若就這樣被一筆消去,這對台灣不但將會是悲哀,也將損害到其國際形象。台灣需要向前邁進,而不是倒退回戒嚴令時期(1947∼1987年)那一段司法程序不公平和不正義的黑暗日子。

Signed: (簽名者)
Julian Baum
Former Far Eastern Economic Review bureau chief

Nat Bellocchi (白樂崎)
Former American Institute in Taiwan chairman

Coen Blaauw
Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Washington

David Prager Branner
Director at large (East Asia),American Oriental Society

Gordon G. Chang
Author of The Coming Collapse of China

PROF. June Teufel Dreyer
University of Miami

PROF. Edward Friedman
University of Wisconsin

PROF. Bruce Jacobs
Monash University

Richard C. Kagan
Professor emeritus,Hamline University

Jerome Keating
Author and former associate professor, National Taipei University

ASSOC. PROF. Daniel Lynch
School of International Relations, University of Southern California

PROF. Victor H. Mair
University of Pennsylvania

ASSOC. PROF. Donald Rodgers
Austin College

PROF. Terence Russell
University of Manitoba

PROF. Scott Simon
University of Ottawa

John J. Tkacik Jr
Senior research fellow,The Heritage Foundation

Gerrit van der Wees
Editor, Taiwan Communique

PROF. Arthur Waldron
University of Pennsylvania

PROF. Vincent Wei-cheng Wang
University of Richmond

Stephen Yates
President of DC Asia Advisory and former deputy assistant to the vice president for national security affairs.

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